Suffield, Connecticut
From the Committee:
Welcome to the Suffield Athletic Hall Of Fame Web Site

Starting with our inception in 2002, we have held Induction Ceremonies to honor Induction Classes ranging in size from 5 to 12 people and 1 or 2 teams. As you read the biographies of individual and team inductees included on this site, it will be clear why they have earned the Hall of Fame designation and what they have contributed to Suffield athletic history. Operating on a philosophy of maximum inclusion, the Committee starts the process by asking the public to nominate people who meet certain basic requirements:
- have a clearly defined athletic link to Suffield
- be out of high school at least 5 years
- have been involved in competitive athletics as a player, coach ,working professional, and/or volunteer
- have made a significant recognizable positive impact in his/her field and/or level of participation
- have displayed integrity and good character
Over the years we’ve received more than 200 nominations for consideration. Each year the Selection Sub-committee reviews the entire slate of nominees and narrows down the candidate list to 10-15 finalists. The finalists are voted upon by the full HOF Committee, and individuals or teams from this group receiving a two-thirds majority of those present and voting are elected to the Hall of Fame. As you might imagine, it is a difficult task to establish the group of finalists from so many deserving candidates. Those not selected for the Hall of Fame in a given year are held on file and are automatically considered when the next election is held.
Nomination forms can be downloaded here:
The Suffield Athletic Hall of Fame Inducted the following on Saturday November 23rd 2024:
Albert Ford
Danny Hinckley
Natalie Mazzetta
Jim Modzelesky
Deedee Presser
Lindsay Small
Emily Sweeney
Megan Sweeney
Travis Tucker
1978 Suffield High School Boys Soccer Team
Danny Hinckley
Natalie Mazzetta
Jim Modzelesky
Deedee Presser
Lindsay Small
Emily Sweeney
Megan Sweeney
Travis Tucker
1978 Suffield High School Boys Soccer Team
Mr C will match your donation to SAHOF!
The Suffield Athletic Hall of Fame (SAHOF) Committee has endured some difficult times over the last several years. A combination of the loss of several key members and the pandemic caused the Committee to go virtually dormant for a while, but the organization managed to continue giving out scholarships to student athletes every spring, and is now regaining some momentum. However, fund raising suffered during those down times, and a challenge has arisen in that Suffield High School has run out of room in the cases that are the home of the SAHOF Inductee plaques and all of the school's athletic trophies and memorabilia. As a result, SAHOF is looking to raise funds to cover the cost of new trophy cases, and also to help with the cost of scholarships.
Bob Cecchini is proposing to step up to this challenge. Known as Mr. “C” to many, he has been a fixture as a Coach, Athletic Director, and Administrator both in Suffield and at the State level for the last 60+ years. He was an inductee in the inaugural SAHOF class in 2002, and has contributed countless hours and infinite wisdom as a member of the SAHOF Committee for over 20 years. All good things must come to an end though, and Mr. “C” has announced that he will be stepping down after this next induction cycle as he approaches 90 years of age. As a parting gift and to provide some incentive for others he and his wife Beverly have pledged to match the combined amount of funds donated for this project within a generous limit. The SAHOF Committee is overwhelmed by his gesture, and hopeful that others will donate as a tribute to his service to the community over the years as well as to recognize the achievements of Suffield's outstanding athletes.
To make a donation, please make a check payable to Suffield Athletic Hall of Fame and send it to
Suffield Athletic Hall Of Fame
c/o Suffield High School, 1060 Sheldon St, West Suffield, CT 06093.
Or send an email to to arrange for an electronic payment.
The committee is currently seeking new members. If you are interested please contact us via the email below.
For more information or to submit a nomination please email the Suffield Athletic Hall of Fame Committee at
Suffield Athletic Hall Of Fame Inductees
Click on the Names for Biographies